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Opium by HeLL is HaRmoNy
20 października 2012

https:www.facebook.comhellisharmony http:soundcloud.comhellisharmony http:hellisharmony.tumblr.com CONTACT: hellisharmony@hotmail.co.uk Hell is Harmony came to life in 2008. After writing enough material the band started gigging around Scotland (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee), always receiving good reviews and gaining a group of faithful followers. In the same year the band recorded a demo called 'Eat Your Victims' which consisted of four songs (Train, Psycho, Eat your victims, Mechanical puzzle box). The following year the next demo was recorded. It was entitled I HAVE FIRE IN ME, FIRE IN ME, I HAVE FIRE and another four songs were featured (Hell is harmony, Fairytale, Better than Better, and Toxic kiss). Year 2010 started pretty well -- Hell is Harmony supported Lower than Atlantis, after which gig the guys from LTA said that HiH was the best supporting band they had during that tour. However, later that year due to lack of understanding between the band members as to what direction (artistic and other) should the band be going, Hell is Harmony went on hiatus. After some time Bart and m.i.c joined forces with a new drummer and a new bass player trying to revive the band, but unfortunately, the new line up did not survive very long. Despite all odds, Bart and m.i.c were still polishing out the old songs, working on new material, and actively looking for new bass player and a drummer. In 2011 Gabor, a new drummer straight outta Hungary, started playing with the band and the original bass player, Kuba, decided to come back. With the new line-up and new energy, the band quickly gained momentum and started gigging, managing to gather quite a crowd at their shows. 2011 was also the year which saw another demo recorded, this time with 9 songs. The demo was given a title You wanna fucking play? Let's fucking play. Band's current style is built on metal riffs, heavy drumming, low bass line and growls, but often ventures into the realm of metalrap crossover, mixed with NY hard core sound. Band members are influenced by many different bands within metal genre such as Slipknot, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Biohazard, Black Dahlia Murder. In the nearest future the band will be playing some gigs around Scotland, a debut video clip is currently in the making, a proper recording of an album is planned.



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