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Cakal premiera 2011 A carpenter in Istanbul makes a life-changing decision that will alter his reality in ways he never thought possible...

Premiera UK: 14 stycznia 2011
Obsada: Ismail Hacioglu, Ugur Polat, Urkan Can...
Gatunek: Kryminał

r e k l a m a


A carpenter in Istanbul makes a life-changing decision that will alter his reality in ways he never thought possible.

Akin (Ismail Hacioglu) lives in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Istanbul and is struggling to make ends meet as a carpenter. When his mother dies he decides this is just the chance he's been waiting for and takes measures to change his life forever, first by stealing money from the carpentry where he works, and then by accepting a tempting yet reckless offer from his friend Idris (Cetin Altay). His girlfriend can't understand the sudden change in him and makes the tough decision to break up with him. Left with no-one, and with nothing to lose, he embarks on a fearless and dangerous new path - a new beginning where there are untold dangers to face and new enemies to be made.

Reżyseria: Erhan Kozan
Obsada: Ismail Hacioglu, Ugur Polat, Urkan Can, Cetin Altay
Czas trwania:
Kraj produkcji: Turcja
Gatunek: Kryminał
Premiera UK: 14 stycznia 2011


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