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Dream Home
Dream Home 2010Inventive slasher movie about the horrors of the Hong Kong housing crisis starring Asian pop star/actress Josie Ho...

Premiera: 19 listopada 2010
Obsada: Josie Ho, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Eason Chan...
Gatunek: Horror

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Inventive slasher movie about the horrors of the Hong Kong housing crisis starring Asian pop star/actress Josie Ho.

Cheng Li-sheung (Josie Ho) is a young, upwardly mobile career woman in the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong. The daughter of a dying builder, she sells home loans by phone in the hope of one day being able to buy her dream home in spectacular Victoria Harbour. Finally the day arrives when she has enough money for the deposit - but then the owners decide to raise the price and the deal falls through. But Cheng is determined to keep her dream alive - at any cost! Pang Ho-Cheung's venture into the horror genre is a major departure for the 36-year-old director, who's known primarily for his satirical comedies. With each murder scene more inventive than the last, 'Dream Home' is a striking slasher movie but, like Pang's previous films, it also showcases his sharp social observation.

Reżyseria: Pang Ho-Cheung
Obsada: Josie Ho, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Eason Chan, Michelle Ye
Czas trwania: 96 minuty
Kraj produkcji:
Gatunek: Horror
Premiera w UK: 19 listopada 2010


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